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dc.contributor.authorPasquier, Francois-Xavier
dc.contributor.authorDelany, Sarah Jane
dc.contributor.authorCunningham, Padraig
dc.identifier.citationPasquier, Francois-Xavier; Delany, Sarah Jane; Cunningham, Padraig. 'Blame-Based Noise Reduction: An Alternative Perspective on Noise Reduction for Lazy Learning'. - Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, TCD-CS-2005-29, 2005, pp17en
dc.description.abstractIn this paper we present a new perspective on noise reduction for nearest-neighbour classifiers. Classic noise reduction algorithms such as Repeated Edited Nearest Neighbour remove cases from the training set if they are misclassified by their nearest neighbours in a leave-one-out cross validation. In the approach presented here, cases are identified for deletion based on their propensity to cause misclassifications. This approach was originally identified in a case-based spam filtering application where it became clear that certain training examples were damaging to the accuracy of the system. In this paper we evaluate the general applicability of the approach on a large variety of datasets and show that it generally beats the classic approach. We also compare the two techniques on artificial noise and show that both are far from perfect at removing noise and that there remains scope for further research in this area.en
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research was supported by funding from Enterprise Ireland under grant no. CFTD/03/219 and funding from Science Foundation Ireland under grant no. SFI-02IN.1I111en
dc.format.extent165507 bytes
dc.publisherTrinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Scienceen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesComputer Science Technical Reporten
dc.subjectNearest-Neighbour Classifiersen
dc.subjectNoise Reductionen
dc.titleBlame-Based Noise Reduction: An Alternative Perspective on Noise Reduction for Lazy Learningen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten
dc.contributor.sponsorScience Foundation Ireland
dc.contributor.sponsorEnterprise Ireland

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