Representing Similarity for CBR in XML
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Coyle, Lorcan; Doyle, Donal; Cunningham, Padraig. 'Representing Similarity for CBR in XML'. - Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, TCD-CS-2004-25, 2004, pp10Download Item:
As Case-Based Reasoning has matured as a discipline; the need for a
standard means of representing case-based knowledge has come to the fore.
While proposals exist for representing the vocabulary and the case-base knowledge
containers, there are still no proposed standards for representing similarity
or adaptation knowledge. In this paper we present extensions for representing
similarity knowledge to CBML, an XML-based CBR language.
Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer ScienceType of material:
Technical ReportCollections
Series/Report no:
Computer Science Technical ReportTCD-CS-2004-25
Full text availableKeywords:
Computer ScienceMetadata
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