Using CBR techniques to detect plagiarism in computing assignments
Cunningham, Padraig. 'Using CBR techniques to detect plagiarism in computing assignments'. - Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, TCD-CS-93-22, 1993, pp6Download Item:
The problems of case retrieval in CBR and plagiarism detection have in common a need to
detect close but not exact matches between exemplars. In this paper we describe a plagiarism detection
system that has been inspired by ideas from CBR research. In particular this system can detect
similarities between programs without performing exhaustive comparisons on all exemplars. Our
analysis of similarity in this well controlled domain offers some insights into the kinds of profiles that
can be used in similarity assessment in general. We argue that the choice of a perspicuous profile is
crucial to any classification task and determining the best predictive features may require significant
analysis of the problem domain.
Also in Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Case-Based Resasoning, Kaiserslauten, Germany.
Author: Cunningham, Padraig
Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer ScienceType of material:
Technical ReportCollections
Series/Report no:
Computer Science Technical ReportTCD-CS-93-22
Full text availableKeywords:
Computer ScienceMetadata
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