Browsing Zoology by Subject "Zoology"
Now showing items 1-20 of 31
Activation of host constitutive immune defence by an intestinal trypanosome parasite of bumble bees
(Cambridge University Press, 2003)Many parasites have to survive the harsh environment of insect guts to complete their life-cycle. Important parasites of man and animals pass part of their life cycle in insect guts and hence understanding how insects ... -
Building a Co-ordinated Musculoskeletal System: The Plasticity of the Developing Skeleton in Response to Muscle Contractions
(Springer Nature, 2023)The skeletal musculature and the cartilage, bone and other connective tissues of the skeleton are intimately co-ordinated. The shape, size and structure of each bone in the body is sculpted through dynamic physical stimuli ... -
A colony-level response to disease control in a leaf-cutting ant
(Springer Verlag, 2002)Parasites and pathogens often impose significant costs on their hosts. This is particularly true for social organisms, where the genetic structure of groups and the accumulation of contaminated waste facilitate disease ... -
Comparison of the macroparasite communities of stocked and wild trout (Salmo trutta) from the West of Ireland
(2002)The aim of the present study was to compare the helminth infra and component communities of wild and stocked brown trout in Lough Feeagh, in the west of Ireland, and also to examine the establishment and development of ... -
Condition-dependent expression of virulence in a trypanosome infecting bumblebees
(Blackwell, 2000)Parasite virulence affects both the temporal dynamics of host-parasite relationships and the degree to which parasites regulate host populations. If hosts can compensate for parasitism, then parasites may exhibit ... -
Contamination of the hair of owned dogs with the eggs of Toxocara spp
(2010)Toxocara canis is one of the most common gastrointestinal helminthes of dogs. Humans can become infected through ingestion of infective eggs, Infection often causes few symptoms but in rare cases blindness can occur. It ... -
The development of a mouse model to explore resistance and susceptibility to early Ascaris suum infection
(2006)Ascaris suum and Ascaris lumbricoides exhibit an over-dispersed frequency distribution in their host populations in both the adult and larval stages. The impact of host factors on this observed distribution is still poorly ... -
Development of an in vitro culture method for cells and tissues from the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)
(Springer, 2009)Despite the successful transfer of mammalian in vitro techniques for use with fish and other vertebrates, little progress has been made in the area of invertebrate tissue culture. This paper describes the development of ... -
Dose-dependent impact of larval Ascaris suum on host body weight in the mouse model
(2009)Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum are important helminth parasites of humans and pigs, respectively. Although it is now well established that the presence of mature adult worms in the host intestine contributes to ... -
Effects of retinoic acid excess on expression oh Hox 2.9 and Krox 20 and on morphological segmentation in the hindbrain of mouse embryos
(Nature Publishing Group, 1991)Mouse embryos were exposed to maternally administered RA on day 8.0 or day 7 3/4 of development, i.e. at or just before the differentiation of the cranial neural plate, and before the start of segmentation. On day 9.0, the ... -
The effects of season, habitat, hydroperiod and water chemistry on the distribution of turlough aquatic invertebrate communities
(University of Dublin, Trinity College, 2009)The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of season, habitat, hydroperiod and water chemistry on the distribution of turlough aquatic invertebrate communities. Twenty-two turloughs, selected as representative ... -
Gene expression analysis of canonical Wnt pathway transcriptional regulators during early morphogenesis of the facial region in the mouse embryo
(University of Edinburgh (datashare), 2009)Structures and features of the face, throat and neck are formed from a series of branchial arches that grow out along the ventrolateral aspect of the embryonic head. Multiple signaling pathways have been implicated in ... -
Identification of mechanosensitive genes during skeletal development: alteration of genes associated with cytoskeletal rearrangement and cell signalling pathways.
(University of Edinburgh (datashare), 2014) -
Impacts of inbreeding on bumblebee colony fitness under field conditions
(BioMed Central, 2009)BACKGROUND: Inbreeding and the loss of genetic diversity are known to be significant threats to small, isolated populations. Hymenoptera represent a special case regarding the impact of inbreeding. Haplodiploidy may permit ... -
The influence of inoculum size and time post-infection on the number and position of Toxocara canis larvae recovered from the brains of outbred CD1 mice
(2001)Outbred CD1 mice were administered doses of 1000 and 3000 Toxocara canis eggs and postmortem took place on days 7, 42 and 120 post-infection. Mice were killed by cervical dislocation and brains were sagitally bisected and ... -
Interaction of the CNC-bZIP factor TCF11/LCR-F1/Nrf1 with MafG: binding-site selection and regulation of transcription
(1998)We have previously shown that the widely expressed human transcription factor TCF11/LCR-F1/Nrf1 interacts with small Maf proteins and binds to a subclass of AP1-sites. Such sites are required for b-globin 54 DNase I ... -
Interspecific interactions between Acanthocephala in the intestine of brown trout : are they more frequent in Ireland?
(2003)The aim of this paper was to test the hypothesis that when the 2 species of Acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis and Acanthocephalus clavula are found concurrently within the intestine of brown trout under field conditions, ... -
Metabolic rate and body size are linked with perception of temporal information.
(2013)Body size and metabolic rate both fundamentally constrain how species interact with their environment, and hence ultimately affect their niche. While many mechanisms leading to these constraints have been explored, their ... -
The migration of Ascaris suum larvae, and the associated pulmonary inflammatory response in susceptible C57BL/6j and resistant CBA/Ca mice
(2007)Ascariasis is an important infection in humans (Ascaris lumbricoides) and pigs (Ascaris suum) and individuals appear to be predisposed to either heavy or light worm burdens. These extremes of susceptibility and resistance ... -
A murine model for cerebral toxocariasis: characterisation of host susceptibility and behaviour.
(2006)Toxocara canis, the parasitic roundworm of dogs, can infect a number of paratenic hosts, such as mice and humans, due to the widespread dissemination of its ova in the environment. In these paratenic hosts, larvae have ...