Browsing Zoology by Title
Now showing items 123-142 of 240
Joint development recovery on resumption of embryonic movement following paralysis
(2021)Fetal activity in utero is a normal part of pregnancy and reduced or absent movement can lead to long-term skeletal defects, such as Fetal Akinesia Deformation Sequence, joint dysplasia and arthrogryposis. A variety of ... -
Lake littoral macroinvertebrate biomass and community structure across alkalinity and nutrient gradients
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Zoology, 2010)The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of alkalinity and nutrients on the biomass of lake littoral macroinvertebrate communities. An initial comparative study of nine lakes determined the effect of alkalinity ... -
Lessons learned from the integration of Strategic Environmental Assessment with transport planning in Athens, Dublin and London
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Zoology, 2001)Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) refers to the identification and evaluation of the positive and negative effects of actions at a higher decision making level than development projects such as programmes, plans and ... -
Littoral macroinvertebrates in lakes : patterns of distribution and potential use in ecological assessment
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Zoology, 2001)The forthcoming European Council Directive establishing a framework on water policy will require Member States to monitor the ecological status of lakes. Biotic as well as physicochemical criteria must be included in ... -
Localization of YAP activity in developing skeletal rudiments is responsive to mechanical stimulation
(University of Edinburgh (datashare), 2020)Background: Normal skeletal development, in particular ossification, joint formation and shape features of condyles, depends on appropriate mechanical input from embryonic movement but it is unknown how such physical stimuli ... -
Macroecology and extinction risk correlates of frogs
(Blackwell Publishing, 2008)Aim Our aim was to test whether extinction risk in frogs could be predicted from their body size, fecundity or geographic range size. Because small geographic range size is a correlate of extinction risk in many taxa, we ... -
Macroevolution with living and fossil species
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Zoology, 2015)Although many biodiversity studies focus on living species, the vast majority of species that ever lived are long extinct. It is therefore crucial to combine data from both living and fossil species to fully understand ... -
Mechanical Regulation of Skeletal Development
(University of Edinburgh (datashare), 2013)Development of the various components of a normal skeleton requires highly regulated signalling systems that co-ordinate spatial and temporal patterns of cell division, cell differentiation and morphogenesis. Much work in ... -
Mechanical Stimulation via Muscle Activity is Necessary for the Maturation of Tendon Multiscale Mechanics during Embryonic Development
(2021)During embryonic development, tendons transform into a hypocellular tissue with robust tensile load-bearing capabilities. Previous work suggests that this mechanical transformation is due to increases in collagen fibril ... -
A mechanistic basis for the mechanical regulation of skeletal development
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Natural Sciences. Discipline of Zoology, 2018)Movement is essential to embryonic skeletal development. In humans, Foetal Akinesia Deformation Syndrome results when inhibited movement causes joint contractures and weakened bones susceptible to fracture. Differentiation ... -
Mechanoregulation of joint morphogenesis : investigating the role of muscle induced mechanical forces in the regulation of differentiation and growth in the avian knee joint
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Zoology, 2010)Muscle induced mechanical forces have been implicated as an important regulator in the development of the skeleton. Immobilisation studies have demonstrated that in the absence of muscle contraction, skeletal elements are ... -
Metabolic rate and body size are linked with perception of temporal information.
(2013)Body size and metabolic rate both fundamentally constrain how species interact with their environment, and hence ultimately affect their niche. While many mechanisms leading to these constraints have been explored, their ... -
The migration of Ascaris suum larvae, and the associated pulmonary inflammatory response in susceptible C57BL/6j and resistant CBA/Ca mice
(2007)Ascariasis is an important infection in humans (Ascaris lumbricoides) and pigs (Ascaris suum) and individuals appear to be predisposed to either heavy or light worm burdens. These extremes of susceptibility and resistance ... -
Modelling the impact of two intertidal primary consumer mollusc species on microphytobenthic biomass
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Zoology, 2006)As many marine intertidal benthic primary consumers are relatively small in body size, their individual impact on the environment is generally negligible. The combined influence of the extremely high numbers of individuals ... -
Molecular and Phenotypic Data Support the Recognition of the Wakatobi Flowerpecker (Dicaeum kuehni) from the Unique and Understudied Sulawesi Region
(2014)Accurate estimates of species richness are essential to macroecological and macroevolutionary research, as well as to the effective management and conservation of biodiversity. The resolution of taxonomic relationships is ... -
Morphological and DNA barcoding-based studies of meiofauna community variation along the salinity gradient and response to environmental quality changes within Irish transitional waters
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Zoology, 2012)The primary focus of this thesis is to identify the changes in meiofauna community structure in response to the estuarine salinity gradient. This was achieved through morphological identification of the nematode phylum to ... -
Morphological change in nucleus accumbens neurons as a basis for the development of haloperidol-induced movement disorders
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Zoology, 2000)A syndrome of involuntary, hyperkinetic abnormal movements called tardive dyskinesia (TD) develop in predisposed individuals following treatment and withdrawal from neuroleptic drugs. These movements are primarily orofacial ... -
Mortality rates and division of labour in the leaf-cutting ant, Atta colombica
(2006)Division of labor in social groups is affected by the relative costs and benefits of conducting different tasks. However, most studies have examined the dynamics of division of labor, rather than the costs and benefits that ... -
The multidemsionality of ecological stability
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Natural Sciences. Discipline of Zoology, 2018)Ecological stability is a multifaceted concept, incorporating components such as variability, resistance, resilience, persistence, and robustness. Understanding and predicting the relationships among these many components ... -
A murine model for cerebral toxocariasis: characterisation of host susceptibility and behaviour.
(2006)Toxocara canis, the parasitic roundworm of dogs, can infect a number of paratenic hosts, such as mice and humans, due to the widespread dissemination of its ova in the environment. In these paratenic hosts, larvae have ...