Browsing Zoology by Title
Now showing items 47-66 of 240
Defining disturbance in time : the ecological implications of varying temporal patterns of disturbances
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Zoology, 2010)Prediction and mitigation of the effects of global environmental change rely primarily on our capacity to anticipate its causes and consequences. Key to this is the ability to identify and understand the mechanisms that ... -
Determination, diversification and multipotency of mammalian myogenic cells
(2008)In amniotes, myogenic commitment appears to be dependent upon signaling from neural tube and dorsal ectoderm, that can be replaced by members of the Wnt family and by Sonic hedgehog. Once committed, myoblasts undergo ... -
Developing bones are differentially affected by compromised skeletal muscle formation
(University of Edinburgh (datashare), 2010)Mechanical forces are essential for normal adult bone function and repair, but the impact of prenatal muscle contractions on bone development remains to be explored in depth in mammalian model systems. In this study, we ... -
The development of a mouse model to explore resistance and susceptibility to early Ascaris suum infection
(2006)Ascaris suum and Ascaris lumbricoides exhibit an over-dispersed frequency distribution in their host populations in both the adult and larval stages. The impact of host factors on this observed distribution is still poorly ... -
Development of an in vitro culture method for cells and tissues from the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)
(Springer, 2009)Despite the successful transfer of mammalian in vitro techniques for use with fish and other vertebrates, little progress has been made in the area of invertebrate tissue culture. This paper describes the development of ... -
Dietary conservatism in passerines : the influence of novel odour and novel colour
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Zoology, 2001)This research was concerned with the way that passerine bird species use odour cues in isolation and in combination with colour cues to make decisions about new foods. Galliformes are known to demonstrate a disproportionately ... -
Dietary Conservatism: The Influences and Determinants of Alternative Foraging Strategies
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Natural Sciences. Discipline of Zoology, 2023)Dietary conservatism – the existence of alternative foraging strategies in response to novel foods – continues to be a little-known and understudied topic of animal behaviour. In every vertebrate population tested so far, ... -
Dispersal and speciation in the avian archipelago
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Natural Sciences. Discipline of Zoology, 2022)Islands play a key role in both the evolution of new species and our understanding of that evolution. The colonisation of islands, followed by different levels of gene flow between populations, has produced a diverse ... -
Dispersal capacity predicts both population genetic structure and species richness in reef fishes
(2014)Dispersal is a fundamental species characteristic that should directly affect both rates of gene flow among spatially distributed populations and opportunities for speciation. Yet no single trait associated with dispersal ... -
Do differences in the administrative structure of populations confound comparisons of geographic health inequalities?
(2010)Background: Geographical health inequalities are naturally described by the variation in health outcomes between areas (e.g. mortality rates). However, comparisons made between countries are hampered by our lack ... -
Does size matter? Bumblebee behaviour and the pollination of Cytisus scoparius L. (Fabaceae)
(2000)The effects of forager body size and floral display size on pollinator behaviour were assessed in a relatively specialised plant-pollinator system. Cytisus scoparius, which has structurally complex, nectarless flowers is ... -
Dose-dependent impact of larval Ascaris suum on host body weight in the mouse model
(2009)Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum are important helminth parasites of humans and pigs, respectively. Although it is now well established that the presence of mature adult worms in the host intestine contributes to ... -
Ecological stability across scales
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Zoology, 2016)One of the greatest challenges facing ecologists is how to detect and predict species and community responses to disturbance against a background of concurrent and potentially interacting environmental, biotic and anthropogenic ... -
The ecology and evolution of endemic shrimp in Lake Tanganyika
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Natural Sciences. Discipline of Zoology, 2019)An exceptionally diverse group of shrimp species in the genera Atyella, Caridella, Limnocaridina and Macrobrachium is found in Lake Tanganyika, Africa, while the region is otherwise relatively poor in shrimp species. In ... -
Ecology, epidemiology and evolution in a gut trypanosomatid parasite of bumble bees with multiple host species
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Zoology, 2007)I have empirically explored the impact of different factors on the coevolution of a multihost-parasite system consisting of a gut trypanosomatid and its bumble bee host species assemblage. I have studied the potential ... -
Effects of abnormal muscle forces on prenatal joint morphogenesis in mice
(2019)Fetal movements are essential for normal development of the human skeleton. When fetal movements are reduced or restricted, infants are at higher risk of developmental dysplasia of the hip and arthrogryposis (multiple joint ... -
The Effects of Culling on the Badger (Meles meles) Population in Ireland.
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Natural Sciences. Discipline of Zoology, 2019)The European badger (Meles meles) has also been identified as the main wildlife reservoir for bovine tuberculosis (bTB). Consequently, badgers are culled nationwide as part of the bTB eradiation scheme. The control program ... -
Effects of retinoic acid excess on expression oh Hox 2.9 and Krox 20 and on morphological segmentation in the hindbrain of mouse embryos
(Nature Publishing Group, 1991)Mouse embryos were exposed to maternally administered RA on day 8.0 or day 7 3/4 of development, i.e. at or just before the differentiation of the cranial neural plate, and before the start of segmentation. On day 9.0, the ... -
The effects of season, habitat, hydroperiod and water chemistry on the distribution of turlough aquatic invertebrate communities
(University of Dublin, Trinity College, 2009)The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of season, habitat, hydroperiod and water chemistry on the distribution of turlough aquatic invertebrate communities. Twenty-two turloughs, selected as representative ...