Synchronization for Multiuser Uplink OTFS
Mohsen Bayat and Sanoopkumar P. S. and Arman Farhang, Synchronization for Multiuser Uplink OTFS, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Milan, Italy, 24-27 March 2025, 2025Download Item:
In this paper, we propose time and frequency synchronization techniques for the uplink of multiuser orthogonal
time frequency space (MU-OTFS) in high-mobility scenarios. We
introduce a spectrally efficient and practical pilot pattern where
each user utilizes a pilot with a cyclic prefix (PCP) within a shared
pilot region on the delay-Doppler plane. At the receiver, a bank
of filters is deployed to separate the users’ signals and accurately
estimate their timing offsets (TOs) and carrier frequency offsets
(CFOs). Our technique employs a threshold-based approach that
provides precise TO estimates. Our proposed CFO estimation tech-
nique reduces the multi-dimensional maximum likelihood (ML)
search problem into multiple one-dimensional search problems.
Furthermore, we apply the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind
basis expansion model (CPF-BEM) to effectively handle the time-
variations of the channel in obtaining the CFO estimates for all the
users. Finally, we numerically investigate the error performance of
our proposed synchronization technique in high mobility scenarios
for the MU-OTFS uplink. Our simulation results confirm the
efficacy of the proposed technique in estimating the TOs and CFOs
which also leads to an improved channel estimation performance.
Grant Number
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
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Author: Farhang, Arman
Other Titles:
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ConferenceType of material:
Conference PaperAvailability:
Full text availableSubject (TCD):
Telecommunications , Signal Processing , TELECOMMUNICATIONSSource URI:
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