Now showing items 1-6 of 6
On the valuation of real property for taxation
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
Thus in Ireland there are two different principles embodied in the Valuation Acts?one for the valuation of land, the other for the valuation of buildings; and the latter is the principle upon which the valuation of all ...
On the valuation of property for taxation
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
In a former paper on valuation I mentioned the fact that in both England and Ireland large country houses are generally assessed at very low rates. This low rating, however, is not confined to country houses; there are ...
The condition of small farmers in Ireland, and their position with reference to the land question
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
The average size of farms in Ireland is so small that it may well be matter for wonder how the tenants upon them are able to pay any rent alter supporting themselves and their families. In 1866 the number of farms of the ...
On the valuation of real property for taxation
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
In a paper read last session, I advocated the adoption in Ireland of the English system of assessing real property for taxation, so far as the ascertaining the annual value of the premises went, on the ground that the ...
An account of the manor of Kilmoon, and the copyhold tenure existing there
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
It is generally supposed that there are no copyhold lands in Ireland, though at one time they were not altogether unknown. The only mention of their existence in modern times, that I have found, is in Vance and Ferguson's ...
On some of the difficulties in the way of creating a peasant proprietary in Ireland
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1878)
The enquiry, commenced last session, at the instance of Mr. Shaw Lefevre, into the working of the Bright Clauses of the Land Act, and the interest shown in the sales of the Church Temporalities Commissioners, suggested ...