Now showing items 1-8 of 8
The over-population fallacy considered
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1851)
We hear so much at the present day about over-population and
the remedies suggested for that disease, that I think it will not be
uninteresting to inquire what over-population is, when it can properly
be said to exist, ...
Report on the patent laws
(Society for Promoting Scientific Inquiries into Social Questions, 1851)
I have, at your request, inquired into the state of the Law of
Patents in this country, and I now beg to lay before you the result
of that inquiry. My attention was particularly directed by you,
"to the expense and delay ...
Statistics to illustrate the lands of business which joint stock companies are suited to carry on, especially with respect to investments in land
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
My attention has been lately directed to the subject of public companies,
by the many plans recently brought before the public for
the formation of such associations for the purpose of buying land,
and sometimes for ...
On the present state of the law and practice in Ireland with respect to wills and the administration of assets
(Dublin Statistical Society, 1852)
I beg leave to submit to you the following report
upon the question proposed to me for investigation; namely, "The
Present State of the Law and Practice in Ireland with respect to
Wills, with a view to have all wills ...
The expediency of a cheap land tribunal
(Dublin Statistical Society, 1856)
The subject which I wish to bring under the notice of the Society
this evening is, the expediency of establishing a cheap Land Tribunal.
In my opinion such a tribunal is very much required, and I do not
limit this ...
Report on the patent laws
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1851)
I have, at your request, inquired into the state of the Law of
Patents in this country, and I now beg to lay before you the result
of that inquiry. My attention was particularly directed by you,
"to the expense and delay ...
On the present state of the law and practice in Ireland with respect to wills and the administration of assets
(Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
I beg leave to submit to you the following report
upon the question proposed to me for investigation; namely, 'The
Present State of the Law and Practice in Ireland with respect to
Wills, with a view to have all wills ...
On the agricultural statistics of Ireland
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1854)
Here is a vast mass of information, and it is surely worth while to
endeavour to elicit the truths contained in it; and while this
remains to be done, none of us need complain of a deficiency of
materials for valuable ...