Browsing JSSISI: Journal of The Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1847- by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1614
(1) The Statistical Abstract; (2) the 24th session of the International Institute of Statistics
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1939)Some remarks may perhaps be expected in explanation of the two-fold title of my inaugural address. A consideration of the Statistical Abstract, which is a compendium not only of statistics published by the ... -
175 Years of Mismeasuring Ireland?: Some Traps Set by Historical Data
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2022)This paper outlines potential pitfalls in interpreting some Irish official statistics through history. We describe and discuss somewhat misleading aspects of statistics relating to agriculture, migration, age and vital ... -
The 1961 Census of Population
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1961)Following the tradition of half a century this paper gives to the Society an account of the plans for the Census of Population, 1961. I am not going to deal with the history of the population censuses in this country, which ... -
1973 Household Budget Survey: special features and results
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1976)The first report on the large scale national Household Budget Survey (HBS) conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) during 1973 was published earlier this month. It is, therefore, particularly opportune to have ... -
The abolition of slavery considered with reference to the state of the West Indies since emancipation
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)The decision of the moral question in favour of the abolition of Slavery, renders it necessary to adopt measures to carry that decision into effect; and, in thus carrying out the principle of abolition, it becomes ... -
Absenteeism economically considered
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1851)Gentlemen,?In addressing you this evening, I am anxious to confine myself as much as possible to absenteeism considered as a mere question of pounds, shillings, and pence, and as it affects the transfer of wealth from ... -
Abstract of a paper on "Railway reform"
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1865)The paper was intended to show the powers vested in the nation of purchasing up the railways of the United Kingdom constructed since 1844, and the arguments which have been advanced to induce the public to exercise those powers. -
Abstract of a paper on "Railway reform, or the policy of the purchase and management by the British Government of the railways of the United Kingdom"
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1865)Several passages were quoted from a valuable treatise by Mr. William Galt, of London, printed originally for private circulation, but now about to be published, which advocates the policy of having all the railways of the ... -
Abstract of paper 'On the dwellings of working men in cities, and the efforts that have been made to improve them'
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1865)I have undertaken to bring forward this subject, not that I hope to state anything which shall be new, but because the subject appears one which should no longer be overlooked by this Society. -
Access and admission charges to museums: a case study
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1994)The principle of free admission to national cultural institutions, especially museums, has prevailed in Britain and Ireland for over two centuries. Charges to the British Museum were proposed as far back as 1784, and ... -
Accident proneness, or variable accident tendency?
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1962)The term accident proneness is current in both medical and lay press, but it is not always used in the same sense, nor is one always confident that many who employ it so freely are aware of the exact assumptions contained ... -
An account of the manor of Kilmoon, and the copyhold tenure existing there
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)It is generally supposed that there are no copyhold lands in Ireland, though at one time they were not altogether unknown. The only mention of their existence in modern times, that I have found, is in Vance and Ferguson's ... -
An account of the progress that has been made in describing the differences between the laws in force in England and those in force in Ireland; with some of the leading points not already noticed, and suggestions for the most convenient division of the subject
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1874)In pursuance of the suggestion in the report of the committee of the council, I have prepared the following outline: An investigation of the differences between the laws in England and those in Ireland, divided into eight ... -
Accountability, rationalisation and the White Paper on Educational Development
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1981)In his Foreword to the White Paper on Educational Development, the Minister stated that despite the fact that no Green Paper was issued, the issues dealt with are very much open for discussion and the Government's position ... -
Accounting and economic decision
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1953)Accounts, whether prepared for shareholders or management, provide a systematic basis for determining the employment of a very large part of national resources of manpower, material and technique. I conceive that an attempt ... -
The Acts for taking the census in England, Scotland, and Ireland, of 1881
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881)In the last session of Parliament three Acts were passed for taking the Census of the United Kingdom during the present year. The English Act is 43 & 44 Vic. c. 37. The Scotch Act, c, 38, and the Irish Act, c. 28. Inasmuch ... -
Additional facts and arguments on the boarding-out of pauper children
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1876)The larger portion of the address which I had the honour of delivering before the Society at the opening of the present session, was devoted to the subject of the Boarding-out of Pauper Children. There were several aspects ... -
Address at meeting for inauguration of the Thirty-first Session
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1878)My Lords and gentlemen, I thank you very much for the high honour you have conferred on me by electing me your President. That position has heretofore been filled by eminent men, whose zeal and earnestness in the promotion ... -
Address at the close of the Thirty-sixth Session of the Society
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1883)In addressing this Society, as I do for the first time, I feel myself weighted with a double difficulty. For not only am I deeply conscious of the honour done me by election to the chair which I occupy, but I am painfully ... -
Address at the opening meeting of the twenty-fourth session
(Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1871)We have, at once, to labour that we may keep fairly abreast with the current of Imperial legislation, and to take care that, so far as it is applicable here, it shall be applied with a due consideration of our ...