Now showing items 1-10 of 181
Genetic diversity and floral width variation in introduced and native populations of a long-lived woody perennial
Populations of introduced species in their new environments are expected to differ from native populations, due to processes such as genetic drift, founder effects and local adaptation, which can often result in rapid ...
Testing DNDC model for simulating soil respiration and assessing the effects of climate change on the CO2 gas flux from Irish agriculture
Simulation models can be valuable to investigate potential effects of climate change on greenhouse gas emissions from terrestrial ecosystems. DNDC (the DeNitrification-DeComposition model) was tested against observed soil ...
Ground flora of field boundary dry stone walls in the Burren, Ireland
Despite the fact that field boundary (dry) stone walls are globally common in rural landscapes, very little research has been carried out regarding them. Dry stone walls may act as refuges for a range of plants and animals, ...
An association between past levels of ozone column depletion and the pollen morphology of the model angiosperm Arabidopsis thaliana L
The currently reduced stratospheric ozone layer remains sensitive to destructive anthropogenic and natural inputs. We hypothesised that a sudden increase in surface ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irradiation, as may have occurred ...
Rising CO2 drives divergence in water use efficiency of evergreen and deciduous plants
(American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2019)
Intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE), defined as the ratio of photosynthesis to stomatal conductance, is a key variable in plant physiology and ecology. Yet, how rising atmospheric CO2 concentration affects iWUE at broad ...
Novel ecosystems: challenges and opportunities for the Anthropocene
Novel ecosystems are ecological assemblages that emerge in anthropogenic landscapes where an ecological abiotic or biotic threshold has been passed and can no longer be restored to a previous state. In such landscapes, ...
Integrating Ecosystem Approaches, Green Infrastructure and Spatial Planning
(Environmental Protection Agency, 2016)
Anatomical enablers and the evolution of C4 photosynthesis in grasses
C4 photosynthesis is a series of anatomical and biochemical modifications to the typical C3 pathway that increases the productivity of plants in warm, sunny, and dry conditions. Despite its complexity, it evolved more than ...
Embedding co-production of nature-based solutions in urban governance: Emerging co-production capacities in three European cities
This paper seeks to understand how co-production can become embedded as a collaborative governance practice by which city governments plan, deliver and steward nature-based solutions. To these ends, the paper analyses how ...