Recent Submissions

  • The development of local government in Ireland 

    Horgan, John J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1946)
    Although I am only a new recruit to the ranks of this Society I have noticed that your proceedings are, as a rule, more concerned with the first rather than the second object of your title. I propose this evening to make ...
  • Discussions on papers read during the 97th session 1943/1944 

    SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1944)
    On account of the paper shortage it was not found possible to print summaries of discussions on papers read during the 1943-44 Session. These are printed in the present supplement, the pagination of which continues from ...
  • Obituary: George E. Shanahan, Robert J. Rowlette 

    SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1944)
  • "The universities." II - The University of Dublin: Trinity College 

    Meenan, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1947)
    The University of Dublin, or Trinity College - by whichever name we may decide to call it - is the third University in these islands and, of course, by far the most ancient in this country. There have been so many changes ...
  • "The universities". I - University College, Dublin 

    Meenan, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1946)
    University education has ceased to excite more than passing interest since the Irish Universities Act of 1908. The University of Dublin, indeed, has been examined by a Royal Commission since that date; but there has been ...
  • Some observations on births in Dublin in the years 1941 and 1942 

    Lyon, Stanley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1943)
    The population problem is a subject which may be beyond my capacity to deal with in any authoritative manner but on account of its very importance the paper presented to the Society this evening may provoke serious ...
  • A short review of the general financial principles and methods of Irish and British social insurance schemes 

    Honohan, W. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1943)
    The social insurance schemes at present in operation are those relating to health, unemployment and pensions. These schemes are distinguishable from other social schemes by the fact that direct contributions are taken ...
  • Irish tuberculosis death rates: a statistical study of their reliability, with some socio-economic correlations 

    Counihan, J.E.; Dillon, T.W.T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1944)
    In an important paper which was published in the Journal of this Society for 1930, Geary surveyed Irish tuberculosis statistics. This communication has as its first aim to analyse along similar lines the figures of the ...
  • Discussion on the problem of full employment 

    Lynch, Patrick; Whitaker, T. K. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1946)
    I feel very uneasy in opening a debate on a subject like this, a subject on which so much has been spoken and written by experts. It is impossible to discuss the subject without expressing views influenced in large part ...
  • Irish Social Services: a Symposium - Addendum to the Symposium 

    Mortished, R. J. P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1943)
    So much excitement has been worked up over the Beveridge Report in Great Britain that we here may tend to exaggerate its importance. In the first place, even if the Report were applied in full (which is by no means the ...
  • Public assistance 

    Collins, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1943)
    The Public Assistance Act, 1939, which came into operation last August, is now the legal basis of public assistance. It replaced the Poor Relief Acts so far as they related to the administration of relief and combines ...
  • Financial results on sixty-one West Cork farms in 1940-'41 

    Murphy, M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1942)
    In this paper a summary is given of the financial results achieved on 61 farms in a West Cork creamery district (about nine miles west of Clonakilty), during the year ended 30th April, 1941. In presenting the summary, ...
  • The changing distribution of population in County Mayo 

    Freeman, T. W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1943)
    County Mayo had, in 1936, 41.5 per cent, of its peak population of 388,887 in 1841. Nine of the twenty-six counties in Eire maintained their population to a greater degree than Mayo between 1841 and 1936. Dublin city ...
  • Monetary functions of commercial banks 

    Brennan, Joseph (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1943)
    The object of this paper is to attempt to elucidate briefly from a practical standpoint the significance of bank deposits and bank loans in the monetary system and to analyse the actual character of the processes which ...
  • Financial results on mixed dairy farms in 1942-43 as compared with 1938-39 

    Murphy, M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1944)
    In May, 1939, a report on the financial results secured on 98 "mixed" dairy farms on the North Cork-Limerick border, in the accounting year ended 30th April, 1938, was presented to the Society. (Journal SSI 1938-39) For ...
  • Irish actuarial data 

    Honohan, W. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1946)
    In Eire, we have had three National Life Tables, prepared in connection with the 1926 and 1936 Censuses and the 1941 Register of Population. In each case there are separate tables for males and females and, for 1941, ...
  • Irish medical services 

    O'Brien, Catherine (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1943)
    The Draft Interim Report of the Medical Planning Commission of the British Medical Association defines the objects of medical service as ? firstly to provide a system of medical service directed towards the achievement ...
  • Nutritional standards of some working-class families in Dublin, 1943 

    Clancy Gore, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1944)
    This is an enquiry into the living conditions of a hundred families living on a new housing estate in Dublin. It is an endeavour to discover the extent and degree of poverty, and to correlate the degree of good or ...
  • A comparison of the principal economic features of Eire and Denmark 

    Beddy, J. P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1944)
    Denmark is not only a smaller country than Eire but her climate is less equable, her soils are, in general, lighter and poorer, she has no coal and no water power to compensate for its absence, nor has she any iron ore ...
  • Discussion on the future of Irish external trade 

    Kennedy, Henry; Johnston, Joseph; O'Hegarty, P. S.; Edgeworth, K. E.; O Coineain, A.; Mortished, R. J. P.; Meenan, James; Geary, R. C.; Beddy, J. P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1944)
    Dr. Henry Kennedy said that his contribution to the Discussion would take the form of a detailed estimate of the productive potential of our land. He would leave to other speakers consideration of the economic and perhaps ...

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