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dc.contributor.authorPrendergast, Patrick
dc.contributor.authorO'Brien, Diarmuiden
dc.identifier.citationPatrick Prendergast, Diarmuid O'Brien, 'Grand Canal Innovation District Manifesto', [Report], Trinity College Dublin , the University of Dublin, 2018-07en
dc.description.abstractTrinity College Dublin, the highest internationally ranked university in Ireland has spearheaded the development of the Grand Canal Innovation District concept.This document outlines our vision and serves as a call to action for industry; higher education and government to collaborate on a new and critically important engine of growth for Ireland. This document is about beginning a conversation and is not a blueprint or set of specific actions. Its aim is to provide a starting vision to enable an ecosystem wide conversation on the challenges we face; the opportunities that are open to us and the choices that need to be made to ensure Ireland remains a globally competitive location for business, and an internationally recognised hub for research and innovation. All stakeholders are encouraged to review, comment and provide feedback and support the development of an innovation district manifesto that is reflective of the entire ecosystem. Please send comment, feedback or ideas to GCID@tcd.ieen
dc.publisherTrinity College Dublin , the University of Dublinen
dc.subjectCanal Projecten
dc.titleGrand Canal Innovation District Manifestoen

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