Now showing items 1-19 of 19

    • The debt and taxation of Ireland 

      Murphy, Joseph John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1864)
      My attention has been directed to the "Report of the Special Committee of the Municipal Council of Dublin on the state of the Public Accounts between Ireland and Great Britain," and I design to lay before you the results ...
    • The expediency of the differential duty on hops 

      Cairnes, Thomas (Dublin Statistical Society, 1857)
      It is to one of these anomalies in our tariff, arising from the present discriminating duty on hops, that I wish now to call your attention, and I think it will be found that not only do we suffer from it the evils ...
    • The financial relations of Great Britain and Ireland: the expenditure account. 

      Samuels, Arthur W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1897)
      The majority Report of the Financial Relations Commission finds: "That whilst the actual tax revenue of Ireland is about one-eleventh of that cf Great Britain, the relative taxable capacity of Ireland is very much ...
    • The impact of state taxes and benefits on Irish household incomes 

      Murphy, Donal C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1984)
      In recent years the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has published detailed analyses of the redistributive effects of State taxes and social benefits on household incomes in 1973 and 1980 based on the results of large ...
    • An inquiry into taxes on law proceedings in Ireland 

      O'Hagan, John; Jackson, Arthur S. (Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
      That the machinery of our present superior courts is too cumbrous, dilatory and expensive, is unquestionably true; it is true also, that an endeavour should be made to have the administration of justice effected with ...
    • Is fire insurance a proper subject for taxation? 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Dublin Statistical Society, 1856)
      OF the questions which the good feeling now subsisting between England and France has given rise to, perhaps the most remarkable is the competition in Fire Insurance between French and English Companies. A French Company ...
    • On the advantages and disadvantages of indirect taxation, and a scheme for direct taxation which would be equitable, and combine the advantages of an indirect tax 

      Hogan, William (Dublin Statistical Society, 1851)
      There are two methods of lightening the pressure of those taxes which must be raised for the expenses of government; one, by lessening the expenditure; and the other, by so arranging taxation, that it shall press as ...
    • On the general principles of taxation, as illustrating the advantages of a perfect income tax 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Dublin Statistical Society, 1856)
      There are few branches of political economy more interesting in themselves, or of more importance at the present time, than the subject of taxation, and yet there is scarcely any on which greater errors are prevalent. I ...
    • Over-taxation and local expenditure in Ireland 

      Synnott, Nicholas J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1899)
      The speech delivered by Mr. Arthur Balfour in the House of Commons on the 5th July, 1898, has evidently been considered a particularly effective and unanswerable reply to the financial demands of Ireland, for it was not ...
    • A Plan for the reduction and ultimate extinction of the National Debt 

      Urquhart, William Pollard (Dublin Statistical Society, 1855)
      The embarkation of England in a war; the failure of the anticipations at first indulged in by some parties, that this contest could be carried on out of the revenue of the country; the recent addition of sixteen millions ...
    • The public finances of Ireland 

      Oldham, C.H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1920)
      It is the aim of this paper to notice as simply as possible the changes produced by the War conditions in the revenue and expenditure of Ireland: as these are exhibited in the annual returns popularly known as the ...
    • The relative expediency of defraying the expense of war by loans or by increased taxation considered with reference to the present financial system of the United Kingdom 

      Walsh, Richard Hussey (Dublin Statistical Society, 1855)
      The present war has already taught two important lessons. It has shown how vain were the expectations of those who had flattered themselves that the principal nations of Europe had grown too wise to appeal to the sword ...
    • Remarks on the adjustment of the poor rate taxation in Ireland 

      Stoney, Sadlier (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1851)
      While it is the fashion of all classes of individuals at the present day, and for the last few years, as far back as I can call to memory, to rail at the taxation imposed on them by the government of our country, to ...
    • Report of the Council at the opening of the twenty-ninth session of the Society 

      SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1875)
      Three out of the six ordinary meetings were devoted to the important subject of Local Government. Mr. Joseph T. Pim read a paper on ?Municipal Government and Taxation?, a matter of growing importance, having regard to the ...
    • The revaluation of Ireland 

      Synnott, Nicholas J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1900)
      In dealing briefly with some of the questions raised before the Royal Commission on Local Taxation, now sitting in London, I feel sure that the opinion of all who have studied the problem at issue will be that, in so ...
    • Some features in recent Irish finance 

      Samuels, Arthur W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1912)
      I propose to discuss this evening some aspects of recent Irish Finance which seem to me to be of great practical importance, and to require earnest consideration on the part, not only of those who interest themselves ...
    • Some features of the over-taxation of Ireland 

      Synnott, Nicholas J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1897)
      In this paper, out of the wide ground covered by the recent investigation, I have chosen a very small field. I shall leave untouched the construction and effect of the Act of Union; the immense question as to the relative ...
    • A suggestion for the removal of taxes on litigation in Ireland as a condition of the reduction of the judicial establishment 

      Samuels, Arthur W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1896)
      The rumour that the Treasury officials have determined to promote a Bill for the reduction of the judicial staff in Ireland has been gaining consistency. A general claque of approbation of the proposal has been raised ...
    • Sustainable Development: The Role of Taxation 

      Roantree, Barra (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2023)