Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Impediments to savings from cost and trouble to the poor of proving wills 

      Webb, Alfred (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881)
      The desirability of encouraging thrifty habits amongst our people is now fully acknowledged; and the admirable arrangements of the Post Office department afford ample facilities for the investment of small savings, for ...
    • The progress of the colony of Victoria 

      Webb, Alfred (Dublin Statistical Society, 1856)
      How has it happened that the colony of Victoria ? occupying a central position with regard to the other Australian colonies, and possessing a fine soil, a genial climate, and greater mineral wealth than any other part ...
    • The propriety of conceding the elective franchise to women 

      Webb, Alfred (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      The question of the propriety of conceding the elective franchise to women is now occupying a share of public attention in England, and as I am not aware that it has been discussed by this Society, I purpose drawing ...
    • The Sherborn Massachusetts Reformatory Prison for Women. 

      Webb, Alfred (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1897)
      For reasons which it is not here necessary to state, the subject of prisons, imprisonment, and prison discipline, has claimed somewhat of my attention. I would briefly direct your attention to the Massachusetts Reformatory ...