Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • The Children Act and the Oldham League 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1912)
      The passing of the Children Act, 1908, introduced by the Rt- Hon. Herbert Samuel, M.P., and the establishment of a Children's League in Oldham suggested to me to bring before the Society what the recent law has enacted, ...
    • The Dublin housing question: sanitary and insanitary 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1913)
      So much attention has been devoted to the insanitary condition of certain quarters of our City that it appears to me that the work which has been done for the providing of sanitary and comfortable dwellings for the workers ...
    • Greater Dublin: extension of municipal boundaries 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1898)
      During the last session I had the privilege of reading a paper dealing with the necessity for a general revaluation of the city, and I then intimated that closely connected with that subject was the extension of the ...
    • The housing of the people, with special reference to Dublin 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      There is no necessity to apologize for introducing this subject to the notice of the Society. It fills 'the public mind almost beyond any other domestic question. We know, from recent utterances, 'that it occupies the ...
    • The industrial progress of Belgium: an object lesson for Ireland 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1912)
      The recent perusal of two very interesting works on the present industrial position of Belgium suggested to me to select the above subject for this paper. The works are "Land and Labour Lessons from Belgium," by Mr. ...
    • The new local bodies and the new Department of Agriculture and Technical Education and the development of the resources of Ireland 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1900)
      Two classes of bodies have been lately created by the present Government. One class by the Local Government Act of 1898, and the other by the Act which established the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction ...
    • Suggested substitutes for the present Poor Law system 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      The continual complaints in Great Britain and Ireland of the inefficiency and extravagance of the Poor Law System, have been accentuated of late by the labour crisis and want of employment. Criticisms abound and ...
    • The valuation of the city of Dublin 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1897)
      As an introduction to the question of the state of the valuation of the city of Dublin, I should wish to refer briefly to the work achieved by the Municipal Corporation since the passing of the Public Health Act of ...
    • The want of industrial and practical education in Irish national schools. 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1896)
      There is no doubt that the Irish people are behind the rest of the world in industries, and there is a concensus of opinion that the reason is the unindustrial and impractical character of our primary education. With ...