Now showing items 25-44 of 1594

    • Address at the opening of the Thirty-eighth Session 

      McDonnell, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1885)
      Before entering on the subject of my address to-night, I feel that I must thank you very heartily for the great honour you have conferred upon me in placing me in the position of president of your society. When I look over ...
    • Address at the opening of the thirty-fourth session of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland 

      Mapother, E. D. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881)
      It can scarcely be hoped that the address you are about to hear will secure approval for the Council in their choice of President, for it will deal with only one of the three branches into which the business of the Society ...
    • Address at the opening of the Twenty-eighth Session 

      Monsell, William (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1874)
      I cannot commence this address without first thanking you for having elected me your President. The names of the distinguished men who have held this office cast a lustre around it; and I count it no mean honour to be ...
    • Address at the opening of the twenty-fifth session 

      Lawson, James A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1872)
      As President of your Society, I have been called upon to discharge the usual duty of delivering the opening address from this chair. I take the opportunity of returning thanks for the honour conferred upon me, and of ...
    • Address at the opening of the twenty-ninth session: The organization of charity, and the education of the children of the state 

      Ingram, John Kells (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1875)
      The public mind seems for the present averse to the discussion of questions which divide political parties. As if over-strained by the effort necessary to carry the great measures of late years, it now shows a marked ...
    • Address at the opening of the Twenty-second Session 

      Monsell, William (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1869)
      It has been the custom at the commencement of our annual sessions to direct attention to laws passed during the year, likely to affect our social or industrial progress, and to consider the remaining impediments to that ...
    • Address by the Vice-President at the opening of the Nineteenth Session 

      O'Hagan, Thomas (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1866)
      That Association has endured for nearly twenty years, continually acquiring strength and influence. It has been a remarkable phenomenon in the social state of Ireland?remarkable, alike, in its action and in Its objects; ...
    • Address by the Vice-president at the opening of the Twentieth Session 

      Kane, Robert, Sir (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      It has appeared to me most beneficial, as well as most simple, that your attention should be called on this occasion to the third branch of our objects, to wit, that of Public Health, a subject which although but of ...
    • Address delivered at the opening of the Eighth Session of the Society 

      Pim, Jonathan (Dublin Statistical Society, 1855)
      Before venturing to ask your attention to the few remarks, which as one of the vice-presidents, I am about to make on the opening of this the eighth session of the Dublin Statistical Society, I must first express my ...
    • Address delivered at the opening of the Ninth Session of the Society 

      Longfield, Mountifort (Dublin Statistical Society, 1856)
      WE are now entering upon the ninth session of this Society, and the duration of its existence during a period of eight years must be a source of unfeigned gratification to all its members, as of itself affording a ...
    • Address of His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin [at the first Annual Meeting of the Social Inquiry Society of Ireland] 

      Whately, Richard (Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1851)
      His Grace expressed his great satisfaction at the establishment of such a society as that, which seemed to him calculated to meet in some, perhaps in a very great measure, one very great evil, which was essentially ...
    • Address of His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin [at the first Annual Meeting of the Social Inquiry Society of Ireland] 

      Whately, Richard (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1851)
      His Grace expressed his great satisfaction at the establishment of such a society as that, which seemed to him calculated to meet in some, perhaps in a very great measure, one very great evil, which was essentially ...
    • Address on the conclusion of the third session of the Dublin Statistical Society 

      Larcom, Thomas A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1851)
      It is usual and desirable that at the close of each session of our Society, when we pause for a time in the prosecution of our labours, we should look generally at the position we have attained, and, suspending for the ...
    • Advertising 

      Eason, J. C. M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1943)
      In submitting this paper on the subject of Advertising I would make it clear that although I have certain contacts which provide me with some knowledge as regards the use of advertising, there are many specialised ...
    • Affidavits 

      Shaw, G. F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1869)
      Whether it is that I am sadly deficient in the bump of veneration, or that I belong to that class who, we are told, rush in where angels and Members of Parliament fear to tread, I am going tonight to intrude into this high ...
    • The aged in three western societies 

      Friis, Henning (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1966)
      'A comparative social survey on living conditions and behaviour of the aged in Denmark, Great Britain and U.S.A.'- subtitle. Through the last fifteen years important new territory has been conquered in social gerontology ...
    • Agricultural developments in Ireland, north and south 

      Attwood, E. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1967)
      The agreement on the reduction of the trade barriers between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland has given rise to hopes of a new impetus to the development of Irish agriculture. Economic history is not ...
    • Agricultural education and research 

      Senior, Brendan J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1953)
      In recent years agricultural education has been the subject of discussion and inquiry in many countries and much reorganisation of research, teaching and advisory services has been undertaken, in an effort to enhance the ...
    • Agricultural volume index numbers and the choice of aggregation formula: an empirical investagation for the member states of the EC 

      Boyle, G. E. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1987)
      Analysis of volume index numbers of agricultural outputs and inputs has occupied agricultural economists and others for generations. In recent years these indices have become key indicators in the context of the annual ...
    • Agriculture and economic growth in western Ireland 

      Attwood, E. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1962)
      In the development of the economy of the Western Counties of Ireland industrial expansion, in order to diversify employment opportunities, has been given considerable prominence and insufficient attention given to the need ...