Now showing items 21-40 of 620

    • An inquiry as to the policy of limited liability in partnerships 

      Colles, Henry (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
      In obedience to the request with which you have honored me, that I should "enquire and report on the laws of foreign countries with respect to partnerships of limited liability, and on the policy of allowing the general ...
    • On the connexion of atmospheric impurity with disease 

      M'Cormac, Henry (Belfast Social Inquiry Society, 1852)
      In the observations I am about to make, the subject may be said to resolve itself into one of bodily health, or wellbeing, or the best means of avoiding those departures from integrity and soundness, which we term ...
    • An inquiry as to the policy of limited liability in partnerships 

      Colles, Henry (Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
      In obedience to the request with which you have honored me, that I should "enquire and report on the laws of foreign countries with respect to partnerships of limited liability, and on the policy of allowing the general ...
    • An inquiry into the progress and present condition of mechanics' institutions. Part I 

      Leslie, T.E. Cliffe (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
      The formation and development of Mechanics' Institutions may be regarded as characteristic social features of the present century, the first association of this description having been established at Birmingham in 1796, ...
    • An inquiry into the foreign systems of registering dealings with land by means of maps and indexes 

      Mayne, Edward Graves (Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
      The objects of registration are stated by Lord Langdale's Commission to be, "to provide for a purchaser a ready mode of assuring himself, that no document is in existence which can defeat or alter the title offered to ...
    • The dangerous and perishing classes 

      Edgar, John (Belfast Social Inquiry Society, 1852)
      If children are allowed to grow up in misery, subject from the cradle to want, wretchedness, and ill usage ? if they are cut off from opportunities of learning religion ? if they hear no word of kindness, experience no ...
    • On the present state of the law of settlement and removal of paupers in Scotland 

      Alison, William P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
      It is well known that the part of the Legal Provision of the Poor which regulates their settlement, i.e., the district of the country from which each family may claim relief, is at present widely different in the three ...
    • What are the causes of the prosperous agriculture in the Lothians of Scotland? 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Belfast Social Inquiry Society, 1852)
      The subject to which I propose to direct your attention in this paper is expressed in the following question :? What are the causes of the prosperous agriculture in the Lothians of Scotland ? You have all, no doubt, heard ...
    • Celtic migrations 

      Heron, Denis Caulfield (Dublin Statistical Society, 1853)
      In that remote age of which no personal records remain, but whose history may be derived from the known dispersion of races and languages ? as the geologist, from fragments of rock, traces the events of the primeval ...
    • On the best means of giving increased facility to the transfer of land 

      Dobbs, Conway E. (Dublin Statistical Society, 1853)
      Amongst all the various sources of national wealth, undoubtedly land is the one of most importance ; and though we may not be disposed to go the length of the school of French economists who regarded it as the only real ...
    • On a decimal currency 

      Galbraith, Joseph A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
      In many essays which have lately appeared on the subject of a decimal currency, the distinction has not been sufficiently observed which exists between a decimal coinage and a decimal currency; between a system of coins ...
    • On the relation between landlord and tenant in Ireland 

      Greer, Samuel M. (Dublin Statistical Society, 1853)
      In venturing to direct the attention of this Society, for a short time, to certain provisions of law which now regulate the relation between landlord and tenant in this country, I feel that I am dealing with a subject ...
    • The wine duties, with reference to their effects on the commercial relations between the British dominions and France 

      Ingram, Thomas Dunbar (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
      In the following paper I propose to lay before you a summary of the history of the wine duties, and of the present condition of the trade, chiefly with reference to our commercial relations with France. Although these ...
    • The Wine Duties and their effects on the commercial relations between the British Dominions and France 

      Ingram, Thomas Dunbar (Dublin Statistical Society, 1853)
      In the following paper I propose to lay before you a summary of the history of the wine duties, and of the present condition of the trade, chiefly with reference to our commercial relations with France. Although these ...
    • On the relation between landlord and tenant in Ireland 

      Greer, Samuel M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
      In venturing to direct the attention of this Society, for a short time, to certain provisions of law which now regulate the relation between landlord and tenant in this country, I feel that I am dealing with a subject ...
    • On a decimal currency 

      Galbraith, Joseph A. (Dublin Statistical Society, 1853)
      In many essays which have lately appeared on the subject of a decimal currency, the distinction has not been sufficiently observed which exists between a decimal coinage and a decimal currency; between a system of coins ...
    • An examination into the principles of currency involved in the Bank Charter Act of 1844 

      Cairnes, John E. (Dublin Statistical Society, 1854)
      The prospects of the country at the present moment, on the opening of a European war, present many aspects of anxious interest, and afford indications of a revival of many subjects of discussion. It is certain that the ...
    • Report of the council read at the opening of the seventh session 

      Unknown author (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1854)
      We now enter on the commencement of a new session, and it may not be uninteresting to the members of our society to take a brief survey of the labours of the past.
    • An examination into the principles of currency involved in the Bank Charter Act of 1844 

      Cairnes, John E. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1854)
      The prospects of the country at the present moment, on the opening of a European war, present many aspects of anxious interest, and afford indications of a revival of many subjects of discussion, as well of an economical ...
    • Malthus 

      Evelyn, Frederick G. (Dublin Statistical Society, 1855)
      As the present age is honourably distinguished by efforts, well-meant, though not unfrequently misdirected, to ameliorate the condition of the labouring classes; as I believe an all-important step in that direction to ...