Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • A calculus for costed computations 

      HENNESSY, MATTHEW (2011)
      We develop a version of the picalculus Picost where channels are interpreted as resources which have costs associated with them. Code runs under the financial responsibility of owners; they must pay to use resources, but ...
    • Counting the cost in the picalculus. 

      HENNESSY, MATTHEW (Elsevier Science Publishers B. V, 2009)
      We design a new variation on the picalculus, ?cost, in which the use of channels or resources must be paid for. Processes operate relative to a cost environment, and communications can only happen if principals have ...
    • The Security Picalculus and Non-interference. 

      HENNESSY, MATTHEW (Elsevier, 2005)
      The security -calculus is a typed version of the asynchronous -calculus in which the types, in addition to constraining the input/output behaviour of processes, have security levels associated with them. This enables ...