Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Consociation and Young People: The Case of Northern Ireland and the Good Friday Agreement Generation 

      Wallace, Sarah (Trinity College Dublin. School of Religion. Irish School of Ecumenics, 2023)
      Employing a reflexive thematic analysis with qualitative semi structured interview data, this research explores the lived experiences and attitudes of members of the Good Friday Agreement generation; the first generation ...
    • The REL Project: Mobilebased Reliable Relations 

      O'CALLAGHAN, DAVID; Seigneur, Jean-Marc; Argyroudis, Patroklos; Abendroth, Joerg (2004)
      The goal of the REL project is to enable easy, large-scale, anytime anywhere access to, and use of social network services, with the underlying requirements to restrict and control the access to the user's information with ...
    • Tools for model-based security engineering 

      We present tool-support for checking UML models and C code against security requirements. A framework supports implementing verification routines, based on XMI output of the diagrams from UML CASE tools, and on control ...