Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Compulsory use of native manufactures 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1849)
      The theory that a nation may gain by the compulsory use of native manufactures is directly opposed to the teachings of Adam Smith, and to those of the most distinguished economists throughout Europe. There are, however, ...
    • The expediency of the differential duty on hops 

      Cairnes, Thomas (Dublin Statistical Society, 1857)
      It is to one of these anomalies in our tariff, arising from the present discriminating duty on hops, that I wish now to call your attention, and I think it will be found that not only do we suffer from it the evils ...
    • Free trade and Irish manufactures 

      Cherry, Richard R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1883)
      The movement which is at present on foot for the encouragement of native manufacturing industry in Ireland has been condemned by many economists as opposed to what are called free trade principles. It has been said that ...
    • Is our commercial depression due to free trade, and would it be relieved by limited protection 

      Pim, Joseph T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1877)
      It used to be said formerly that after a bad harvest there was sure to be a change of Ministry. In recent times, whenever, through over-speculation or over-trading, the demand for banking accommodation has out-run the ...
    • On the impolicy of a revival of protection as a remedy for the present depression 

      Moylan, J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
      With the now extended experience we have had of the vast benefits of free-trade, with the generally increased prosperity of the empire consequent thereon, with the augmented population of the sister kingdoms, and the ...
    • Reciprocity 

      McCarty, E. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
      The existing depression of trade is the severest perhaps on record, and certainly has dragged us through as harassing a length of time as any that ever afflicted commerce. The distress sounds the circumstances of every ...
    • Sean Lemass and the nadir of protectionism 

      Durkan, Joe (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2010)
      This paper considers the move to protectionism in Ireland with the advent of the new government in 1932. Using material from an unpublished paper by Lemass the paper shows the logical basis of the protectionist policy ...