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Now showing items 1-16 of 16

  • Discussion on the future of Irish external trade 

    Kennedy, Henry; Johnston, Joseph; O'Hegarty, P. S.; Edgeworth, K. E.; O Coineain, A.; Mortished, R. J. P.; Meenan, James; Geary, R. C.; Beddy, J. P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1944)
    Dr. Henry Kennedy said that his contribution to the Discussion would take the form of a detailed estimate of the productive potential of our land. He would leave to other speakers consideration of the economic and perhaps ...
  • Fiscal policy: some lessons from the Blue Book 

    Shaw, James J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
    When I was asked to read a paper to this Society on the proposed changes in British Fiscal Policy which have made such a stir in recent times, I recognised at once that the subject must be treated here, not as one of ...
  • Free trade and Irish manufactures 

    Cherry, Richard R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1883)
    The movement which is at present on foot for the encouragement of native manufacturing industry in Ireland has been condemned by many economists as opposed to what are called free trade principles. It has been said that ...
  • The future of American agricultural competition 

    Bailey, William F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1883)
    In this paper I shall endeavour to bring before the members of the Statistical Society some figures, which seem to me to throw considerable light on the vexed question of the extent to which farming in the United Kingdom ...
  • The impact of the war upon Irish economy 

    Meenan, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1940)
    The European war has given rise to many speculations, generally vague but almost always gloomy, upon its probable effects on Irish economic life. It is certain that the war has already brought about changes in our trade; ...
  • Ireland, the Common Agricultural Policy and the less developed countries 

    Matthews, Alan (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1985)
    The price provisions of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) are designed to transfer income to European farmers and to maintain a secure supply of food for European consumers. The consequences of this policy for countries ...
  • The Irish export trade in butter, with special reference to the regulations of the Cork market 

    Bastable, C. F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1882)
    At a period like the present, when more interest than usual is felt in all inquiries as to the nature and amount of our industrial resources, I have thought that it would not be out of place to call the attention of this ...
  • Lecture on an international code of commerce morally and judicially considered 

    Levi, Leone (Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1851)
    The purpose and end of all social inquiries is to connect abstract theories with the practical business of life; to discover that link by which the conception of an idea may be joined to its realization, and to analyse, ...
  • On the impolicy of a revival of protection as a remedy for the present depression 

    Moylan, J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
    With the now extended experience we have had of the vast benefits of free-trade, with the generally increased prosperity of the empire consequent thereon, with the augmented population of the sister kingdoms, and the ...
  • Our foreign commerce and free trade policy 

    Pim, Joseph T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881)
    In February, 1878,1 read a paper before this Society in defence of our national policy of free trade, which was at that time assailed with some vehemence as the cause of the then prevailing mercantile depression. Since ...
  • Reciprocity 

    McCarty, E. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
    The existing depression of trade is the severest perhaps on record, and certainly has dragged us through as harassing a length of time as any that ever afflicted commerce. The distress sounds the circumstances of every ...
  • Report of the International Law Committee, on the impediments to the trade between the United Kingdom and America which exist in Dublin from the unsatisfactory state of the law as to foreign sailors 

    Bagenal, Philip H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1878)
    We requested Mr. Bagenal, one of our body, to make enquiries as to what impediments to the trade between The United Kingdom and America exist in the port of Dublin; and he wrote to the United States consul. The answer, in ...
  • Report of the International Law Congress Committee on the complaints of foreign consuls in Ireland of the want of a local court in each Irish port, with permanent judicial officers for the prompt determination of all questions between foreign captains and Irish merchants 

    Kane, Robert, Sir (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1877)
    The Council having named us as a committee ?To consider the best means of making provision that the Society and those who take an interest in this subject in Ireland shall be adequately represented at the International Law ...
  • The revealed comparative advantage of Irish exports of manufactures 1969-1982 

    Thornhill, Donal J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1988)
    This paper outlines the results of an empirical study of the repealed comparative advantage of Irish exports of manufactures during the period 1969-1982. The concept of comparative advantage is central to the theory of ...
  • Theory and policy in Anglo-Irish trade relations, 1775-1800 

    Black, R. D. Collison (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1950)
    The manner in which economic theory affects economic policy, and vice-versa, is a question which has been the subject of much generalisation, but little detailed research. Obvious instances can be found in which policy ...
  • Trade and industry 

    Fitzpatrick, Jim (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1985)
    This paper discusses trade aspects of Ireland's relations with Third World countries. As implied in the overall title of the symposium, "Ireland, Europe and the Third World", the topic is dealt with in a European Community ...